Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Free Rice

Ok, so I didn't post yesterday. A thousand apologies. I got a little caught up in a different project, not that that's an excuse, but it's still the truth. So, two games today! Here's the first:

Free Rice is a charity and a fun vocabulary-building game all in one. The game itself is fairly simple. They give you a word and you chose the correct one of four possible definitions. You answer correctly? Next word is a bit harder. Get it wrong? Next word is easier. Doesn't get much more straight forward than that. But here's the cool part. For each correct answer, 20 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations World Food Program. Now, 20 grains might not seem like much, but the more you play, the more it accumulates. In fact, yesterday alone, 139,444,840 grains were donated. So next time someone tells you that playing games online is a waste of time, send them to Free Rice!

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News: Featured Games is on a semi-hiatus. I may post games here as I see fit, but it won't be regularly, at least for a while.

Know of a game you'd like to see featured here?
Email the link to BunGirl@gmail.com today!